
The Debt of Love

10 September, 2023 Bishop Andrew Brook

“I owe, I owe, it’s off to work I go.” Is that how you feel? You might have a mortgage, a car loan, or a credit card debt. None of us like the feeling of being beholden to a bank. We long to be free of debt. Today Paul talks about a debt that we owe one another. It’s the debt of loving one another. This debt comes about because of the gratitude we owe our Father in heaven for cancelling the debt of our sin at the cost of his Son Jesus’ life. Filled with God’s Spirit and his grace, we are full of love, which is to be shared with others, starting with the Christian community. Jesus gives us practical advice about how to show love in the face of conflict. It’s not easy, but God’s love has the power to cover a multitude of sins, and we have the privilege of being agents of this love.


Based on Romans 12:9-21

3 September, 2023 Malcolm Haynes (Lay reader)

Have you ever received a letter from a loved one? They can be a great way to keep in touch with what's happening as well as reading about the love others have for you. St Paul wrote many letters to people around the Mediterranean region. He writes about love in action - with family, among other Christians and through hospitality towards others, especially strangers. Today, on Father's Day, we recognise the changing role of fathers in society and celebrate the love that fathers can share with their children across different family situations.
