
See the face of God

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17 September, 2023Pastor Geoff Burger

‘God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself’ Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome. Reconciliation is always hard—often the journey is divisive, painful and lengthy. Think Russians and Ukrainians, Israelis and Palestinians. Think Australia. Where do we see the face of God showing us the way? Today we work through three case studies. Isaac and Rebecca had twin sons, Esau and Jacob. Family life was an ongoing struggle—Esau a hairy chested outdoor hunter was dad’s boy. Jacob doted on by his mother. When Esau discovered Jacob had cheated him of what was rightfully his he was furious, ‘After our father dies I will kill Jacob’ he muttered. John Schwerdt shares a family story of reconciliation. And the third case study?


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With different eyes

21 July, 2024 Colin Archibald (Lay reader)

It is through Christ that all of us, Jews and Gentiles, are able to come in the one Spirit into the presence of the Father. Who remembers the kaleidoscope? That Victorian era, optical device that you looked in one end and turned the other end around. Doing so you would see the most amazing shapes and colours brought about by mirrors inside and what appeared to be stained glass shapes. I recall as a young boy, being enthralled by this device, seeing the colours and shapes appear in a way you would not normally see.

In Mark 8:22-25 we read about a blind man in Bethsaida, who was cured by being touched twice by Jesus. After being touched the first time the man thought people looked like trees, then after being touched the second time the man’s vision was totally restored. While we may have our eyesight, Jesus and his teachings can make us view life in different ways, as though being viewed with different eyes. And yes we sometimes need to be touched twice. But by his grace, Jesus restores our eyesight, we can see things through a different lens, seeing life differently, from a different perspective and indeed, seeing more colours in life, that we mightn’t have before- a little bit like looking through a kaleidoscope.

Unfortunately there is no audio recording of this sermon. You can read the full text.


God's Treasured Possession

14 July, 2024 Malcolm Haynes (Lay reader)

In Lutheran theology we often refer to 'law' and 'gospel'. Today we review both law and gospel, examine how to use them and how to avoid confusion.

We look at today's epistle text, Ephesians 1:3-14, as an example of pure gospel. We, the church, are free to go on sharing God's Law and Gospel with others. We give thanks that Christ commissioned us to do so and is with us always. We can trust that He's the One who makes the seed grow - working out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glory.


Bold witness: Thomas, Apostle

7 July, 2024 Rev Joyce Graue (guest lay preacher)

Christmas. Easter. Pentecost. These are the 3 Principal Festivals on our Christian Church Calendar. We know all about these. We celebrate these every year. Do you know that Christian Church Calendar also includes Lesser Festivals and Commemorations? Last Wednesday, 3 July, was one of the Lesser Festivals. It was the day designated for Thomas, Apostle. What do you know about Thomas? Can you list 3 things? What can we learn from Thomas?
